Move over naked PETA ladies! Males--or at least a certain part of their anatomy—have become the shock factor in an irreverent new humane effort. Katherine Heigl has just launched her “I Hate Balls!” campaign to save the world by eliminating testicles!
"I can't cut the nuts off human men — yet. So I've dedicated my time to the neutering of dogs. Because that's legal!" says Heigl in a satirical PSA intended to bring attention to the need to neuter dogs and cats.
Katherine Heigl, through the Jason Debus Heigl Foundation, has sponsored many spay-and-neuter programs to decrease pet overpopulation. It appears she has lost patience with conventional messages.
She describes testicles as jiggly, crinkly, muppet-like, and disgusting and basically without positive merit but assures us she doesn’t hate men. When Katherine’s husband begs her to give his balls back so he can have a night out with the boys, she hands him a jar definitely appearing to contain what is extracted during a castration.
Katherine Heigl has taken a daring plunge to start an unusual conversation about neutering via a graphic derision of “balls.” And there’s no question, if anyone has a pair, it is Katherine Heigl!
This PSA is enough to make even the most macho, self-assured males cringe, but does it accomplish the goal of making you want to cut the balls off your dog (or cat)?
I am appalled that you support Heigl’s vicious, misandric advertisement:
Her ad is classic, misandrist, sadistic bigotry. Replace the word “balls” with “c*nt” and see if you still find it “funny”. Replace the large scissors directed against testicles with a large knife directed against a vagina and see if you still laugh. It is a classic case of vicious Nazi-like “humor” directed at men. Though I used to give to animal welfare organizations, that was before they became supporters of Naziesque anti-male “humor”. I had no idea that animal welfare organizations would stoop to such vicious bigotry. Though I am a long-time supporter of animal welfare, I will NEVER give to her or your organization again.